
The Europeans


Spain at the end of the 50s. Miguel and Antonio, both single and in their early 30s, go on a trip to Ibiza, lured by the European sexual myth and the illusion of freedom. But on the island, nothing will be as they expected.

Release Date : 2020-11-20

Language :FrenchGermanSpanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : A Contraluz FilmsIn Vivo FilmsGONITA FILMACCIONLos Europeos la película, A.I.E.Apaches Films

Production Country : SpainFrance

Alternative Titles :


Juan Diego Botto

Character Name : Antonio

Original Name : Juan Diego Botto

Gender : Male

Raúl Arévalo

Character Name : Miguel Alonso

Original Name : Raúl Arévalo

Gender : Male

Stéphane Caillard

Character Name : Odette

Original Name : Stéphane Caillard

Gender : Female


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