Pomegranates and Myrrh
A free spirited woman dancer, Kamar, finds herself the lonely wife of a prisoner, Zaid, and away from everything she loves until she returns to the dance, defying societys taboos. At the dance Kamar is confronted with Kais, a Palestinian returnee. Sparks fly between Kamar and Kais, creating more than a passionate, emotional dance for the both of them. Matters become even more complicated when Zaid's sentence is extended. Kamar's life is thrown into turmoil as she becomes increasingly attached to Kais, and caught in the midst of her desire to dance and breaking the family and society taboos of the prisoner's wife's role while life under occupation rages on.
Release Date : 2009-02-01
Language :ArabicEnglishHebrew
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : ZDF/ArteDesert Door ProductionsUstura FilmsRif FilmCiné-Sud Promotion
Production Country : FranceGermanyKuwaitPalestinian Territory
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Kamar
Original Name : Yasmine Al Massri
Gender : Female
Character Name : Umm Habib
Original Name : Hiam Abbass
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kais
Original Name : Ali Suliman
Gender : Male
Character Name : Odeh
Original Name : Walid Abdul Salam
Gender : Male
Character Name : Abu Antar
Original Name : Ahmad Abu Sal'oum
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yosef
Original Name : Yosef Abu Wardeh
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mariam
Original Name : Valentina Abu-'Aksa
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ambar
Original Name : Manal Awad
Gender : Female
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