
Then Came You


A lonely widow plans a trip around the world with her husband's ashes, to visit the places they loved in the movies. During her first stop in Scotland at the beautiful estate she stays in, she meets the innkeeper who changes her life forever.

Release Date : 2021-03-11

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Kathie Lee Gifford

Character Name : Annabelle

Original Name : Kathie Lee Gifford

Gender : Female

Craig Ferguson

Character Name : Howard

Original Name : Craig Ferguson

Gender : Male

Elizabeth Hurley

Character Name : Clare

Original Name : Elizabeth Hurley

Gender : Female

Ford Kiernan

Character Name : Gavin

Original Name : Ford Kiernan

Gender : Male

Phyllida Law

Character Name : Arlene

Original Name : Phyllida Law

Gender : Female

Katarina Demetriades

Character Name : Waitress

Original Name : Katarina Demetriades

Gender : Female

Brett James

Character Name :

Original Name : Brett James

Gender : Male

Ruaraidh Murray

Character Name :

Original Name : Ruaraidh Murray

Gender : Male






You know what you're in for when you hear the plot: it's Hallmark or Netflix bland romantic cheese. You have absolutely no reason to watch it other than to boost your 2020 watch numbers - you'll forget about it while you're watching it. - Chris dos Santos Read Chris' full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-then-came-you-then-came-the-same-movie-over-and-over-again