Turn A Gundam II: Moonlight Butterfly
Following the events of the first movie, the Militia finishes restoration work on its excavated spaceship and travels to the moon to deal with Gym Ghingnham and Agrippa Maintainer, who along with Dianna Soreil form a governing triumvirate over the Moonrace. On the moon, the political situation rapidly evolves as new deals are made, setting the stage for a decisive final battle to determine the relationship between the people of Earth and the technologically advanced Moonrace.
Release Date : 2002-02-10
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : SUNRISE
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Dianna Soreil / Kihel Heim (voice)
Original Name : 高橋理恵子
Gender : Female
Character Name : Loran Cehack (voice)
Original Name : 朴璐美
Gender : Female
Character Name : Gym Ghingnham (voice)
Original Name : 子安武人
Gender : Male
Character Name : Harry Ord (voice)
Original Name : 稲田徹
Gender : Male
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