The Mountain
This is the story of Nora and Solveig, a grief-stricken couple on a hike through the mountain range where they had a traumatic experience two years prior. Nora and Solveig are hiking through a snow-covered, rough, but beautiful scenery on a tour of several days that will take the two young women to the top of a mountain. Solveig, three months pregnant, seems incapable of doing anything the way Nora wants her to. The further the women advance on their trip, the closer they come to the place where a tragic incident happened two years earlier; one that changed their lives completely...
Release Date : 2011-01-18
Language :Norwegian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : 4 1/2
Production Country : Norway
Alternative Titles : The Mountain
Character Name : Solveig
Original Name : Ellen Dorrit Petersen
Gender : Female
Character Name : Nora
Original Name : Marte Magnusdotter Solem
Gender : Male
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