Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
- It's never too late to try something new.
Nancy Stokes, a retired schoolteacher, is pretty sure she has never had good sex. Now that her husband has died, she is determined to take a tour of sexual vistas that until now she has only imagined. She even has a plan; it involves an anonymous hotel room, and a sex worker who calls himself Leo Grande.
Release Date : 2022-06-16
Language :EnglishPortuguese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Cornerstone FilmsGenesius PicturesAlign
Production Country : United Kingdom
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Nancy Stokes
Original Name : Emma Thompson
Gender : Female
Character Name : Leo Grande
Original Name : Daryl McCormack
Gender : Male
Character Name : Becky Foster
Original Name : Isabella Laughland
Gender : Female
Character Name : Delivery Person
Original Name : Les Mabaleka
Gender : Male
Character Name : Person on Bike
Original Name : Lennie Beare
Gender : Male
Character Name : Waitress 1
Original Name : Carina Lopes
Gender : Male
Character Name : Waitress 2
Original Name : Charlotte Ware
Gender : Male
What a terrific film! If you had told me the general gist of 'Good Luck to You, Leo Grande' out of context, I'd have predicted a dull and dreary 90 minutes or so were ahead of me. Thankfully, the film itself is a delight. Before watching, I only knew of the poster and thought it was strictly a sex comedy, so was expecting a silly, fast-paced, if forgettable, age gap romcom. The film is, thankfully, much more than that. Emma Thompson is just brilliant in her role, while Daryl McCormack is superb from beginning to end - cool to see him in a larger role than in (the awesome) 'Peaky Blinders'. It's perfect casting, the two absolutely nail their performances and are a joy to watch onscreen together. The one location (for the most part) doesn't hamper things, if anything it only adds to events. I was particularly impressed with the dialogue, especially the more comedic moments. There is one line involving Rolf Harris which was, perhaps, a misstep but all in all it's pretty sharp. It has a story to tell and one that I think it portrays very nicely.
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