
Spontaneous Combustion


Audrey gets to be an actress in a low-budget horror movie. On the set, however, everything is different than she’d imagined. Camera operator Cordelia is the only one who is nice to her. Audrey is fascinated by Cordelia and attracted to her, but something seems to be wrong with Cordelia. Her body becomes feverishly hot, and approaching her becomes more and more dangerous. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION takes romantic motifs and a fantastic story to their logical consequence.

Release Date : 2020-10-19

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : La Fémis

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Lola Créton

Character Name : Cordélia

Original Name : Lola Créton

Gender : Female

Marie Bortolotti

Character Name : Audrey

Original Name : Marie Bortolotti

Gender : Male

Olivier Broche

Character Name : Doctor Destouches

Original Name : Olivier Broche

Gender : Male

Tancrède Delvolvé

Character Name : Jean-Pierre

Original Name : Tancrède Delvolvé

Gender : Male

Agathe Mazouin

Character Name : Céline

Original Name : Agathe Mazouin

Gender : Male


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