Dance, Subaru!
Subaru and her twin brother Kazuma share a dream in becoming ballet dancers, but their passion is discouraged by their father. After Kazuma's death from a hereditary illness, dancing became Subaru's only happiness and she yearns to lose herself in dance. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she runs into cabaret owner Isuzu, who recognizes the talent in Subaru and trains her in her nightspot. But to become a professional ballerina, Subaru has to overcome harsher challenges than merely satisfying the cabaret drunkards. Spurred on by her rivaling dance companions, Subaru enters an international dance competition, to vie for recognition and a scholarship to any top ballet company in the world. Subaru and her companions soon discover that there are more to compete than the championship, and tests of friendship, betrayal and self-worth come one after another. Gradually the youngsters learn about themselves as dancers, as persons and as friends.
Release Date : 2009-03-19
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Avex Entertainment
Production Country : South KoreaJapanHong KongChinaSingapore
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Subaru
Original Name : 黒木メイサ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Rizu Park
Original Name : 고아라
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kohei
Original Name : 平岡祐太
Gender : Male
Character Name : Amano
Original Name : 筧利夫
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sada
Original Name : 前田健
Gender : Male
Character Name : Isuzu Hibino
Original Name : 桃井かおり
Gender : Female
Character Name : Ryu
Original Name : 中村龍介
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mana Kurena
Original Name : Miku Sano
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kazuma
Original Name : 飛田光里
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 김재중
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 박유천
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mana Kurena (young)
Original Name : 福原遥
Gender : Female
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