
Schellebelle 1919


The movie tells the story of the farming family Van de Velde, in the aftermath of the First World War. The farmer and his son, who have fought in the trenches of the Yser, are still missing in 1919, and the mother has died, so the eldest daughter Coralie runs the farm now on her own. She has welcomed 25 orphans during the war, but the Child Welfare Commission wants to put them in an orphanage. And some local notables with a sneaky plan want to take possession of the farm. But Coralie and the orphans fight back...

Release Date : 2011-07-27

Language :Dutch

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Belgium

Alternative Titles :


Arne Vereecken

Character Name : Casimir Van De Velde

Original Name : Arne Vereecken

Gender : Male

Ester Cattoir

Character Name : Coralie Van De Velde

Original Name : Ester Cattoir

Gender : Male

Hadj Mohamed Raouf

Character Name : Latif

Original Name : Hadj Mohamed Raouf

Gender : Male

Joost Roggeman

Character Name : Remi Van De Velde

Original Name : Joost Roggeman

Gender : Male

Jo Van de Velde

Character Name : Slosse

Original Name : Jo Van de Velde

Gender : Male


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