iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World
Steve Jobs was a creative and technological visionary who quite simply changed society as we know it. As co-founder and CEO of Apple Computer, Jobs ushered in personal computing to the masses, which in turn led to new innovations which completely changed our way of life - from how we do our work, to the way we watch movies, listen to music and interact socially. Discovery Channel will feature iGENIUS: HOW STEVE JOBS CHANGED THE WORLD, a one-hour documentary that celebrates these innovations.
Release Date : 2011-11-16
Language :GermanEnglish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Peacock Productions
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Peter Bohlin
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Tom Brokaw
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Michio Kaku
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Stevie Wonder
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Steve Jobs
Gender : Male
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