
The Cross of Lorraine

- MGM's drama of the fighting French!

French soldiers (Jean-Pierre Aumont, Gene Kelly) surrender to lying Nazis and are herded into a barbaric prison camp.

Release Date : 1943-11-12

Language :EnglishGerman

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Loew's IncorporatedMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jean-Pierre Aumont

Character Name : Paul

Original Name : Jean-Pierre Aumont

Gender : Male

Gene Kelly

Character Name : Victor

Original Name : Gene Kelly

Gender : Male

Cedric Hardwicke

Character Name : Father Sebastian

Original Name : Cedric Hardwicke

Gender : Male

Peter Lorre

Character Name : Sergeant Berger

Original Name : Peter Lorre

Gender : Male

Hume Cronyn

Character Name : Duval

Original Name : Hume Cronyn

Gender : Male

Richard Whorf

Character Name : François

Original Name : Richard Whorf

Gender : Male

Joseph Calleia

Character Name : Rodriguez

Original Name : Joseph Calleia

Gender : Male

Wallace Ford

Character Name : Pierre

Original Name : Wallace Ford

Gender : Male

Richard Ryen

Character Name : Lt. Schmidt

Original Name : Richard Ryen

Gender : Male

Jack Lambert

Character Name : Jacques

Original Name : Jack Lambert

Gender : Male

William Royle

Character Name : Louis

Original Name : William Royle

Gender : Male

John Abbott

Character Name : Baker

Original Name : John Abbott

Gender : Male



John Chard

@John Chard


Tight film making across the board. The Cross of Lorraine is directed by Tay Garnett {The Postman Always Rings Twice/A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court} & it stars Jean-Pierre Aumont and Gene Kelly and was adapted from Hans Habe's novel A Thousand Shall Fall. The story is about French prisoners of war held by the Germans in World War II. Yep, sure enough it's a propaganda piece, yep, sure enough it's low on budget, and, yep, the outcome will hold no surprises for anyone aware of propaganda based cinema. But don't let that in any way detract from what a tightly scripted and acted picture this is. Coming as it did in 1943 one could be forgiven for expecting a watered down tale of prisoners under duress; rising up and flipping the bird to those dam dirty Nazis. Yet, and with much thanks, we get a gritty and often brutal movie that's not afraid to call it as it sees it. The war, in case anyone was asleep during history class, was very much a case of the good against the bad and the makers here only reiterate that basic fact. With a couple of scenes memorable and worth the patience that is required to roll along with the predominantly dialogue driven tale. Backing up Kelly & Aumont are Peter Lorre, Cedric Hardwicke, Hume Cronyn & Wallace Ford. Which alone speaks volumes as to why this is a nifty little treasure yearning to be dug out by other film fans. But this also has a good print which is devoid of fractures and makes for an easy on the eye experience. A film like this now would most likely be laughed out of the studio executive offices, but this is 1943, a troubled time, and this is a fine movie that certainly has enough intelligence and spunk to stop it getting weighed down by flag waving histrionics. 7/10