
All About Love


Maria is a bright and attractive but not especially responsible young woman who is used to having things go her way in life. Out of school and with no clear career path, Maria ends up taking a job putting together cushions for chairs. But after a single day on the job she quits, claiming the work hurts her hands and she'd rather start her own restaurant. As Maria plots her next move, she impulsively swipes a piece of lingerie from a store, then tries to lie her way out of the situation when she's caught. But Maria finds that words can't get her out of this bind, and soon she's in jail and dealing with much deeper trouble than she ever imagined possible.

Release Date : 2001-04-11

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Virginie Ledoyen

Character Name : Maria

Original Name : Virginie Ledoyen

Gender : Female

Stomy Bugsy

Character Name : Manu

Original Name : Stomy Bugsy

Gender : Male

Bruno Putzulu

Character Name : Pascal

Original Name : Bruno Putzulu

Gender : Male

Jean-Marc Thibault

Character Name : Maria's father

Original Name : Jean-Marc Thibault

Gender : Male

Brigitte Roüan

Character Name : Social worker

Original Name : Brigitte Roüan

Gender : Female

Jean-François Gallotte

Character Name : Marc

Original Name : Jean-François Gallotte

Gender : Male

Anne Canovas

Character Name : Maria's mother

Original Name : Anne Canovas

Gender : Female

Jean-Paul Bonnaire

Character Name : Gégé

Original Name : Jean-Paul Bonnaire

Gender : Male

Yazid Aït

Character Name : Karim

Original Name : Yazid Aït

Gender : Male

Jean-François Stévenin

Character Name : Bertrand

Original Name : Jean-François Stévenin

Gender : Male

Jeremy Banster

Character Name : Bad Cop

Original Name : Jeremy Banster

Gender : Male


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