- A story of laughable law breakers
Brothers-in-law, Eduardo and Sabonis, married to sisters Cuca and Peque Ribeiro, have made a real mess of one of their business ventures and are in need of money, a lot of money. It will be Sabonis who, in one of his uncontrollable fits of rage, comes up with a plan to fix all their problems in one go: kidnap Modesto, brother-in-law to Alicia Zamora, the businesswoman who screwed them over. There’s just one problem: Alicia has no intention of paying even a penny to get her brother-in-law back. In the end, it will be Modesto himself who comes up with a new plan to help Eduardo and Sabonis get the money they need to save the family wine business. What they don’t know is that police officer Mati, the Ribeiro’s middle sister, is on to their little plan. Eduardo, Sabonis and Modesto have everything to lose, but as Sabonis would say, what could go wrong?
Release Date : 2021-04-09
Language :GalicianPortugueseSpanish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Portocabo
Production Country : Spain
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Sabonis
Original Name : Xosé A. Touriñán
Gender : Male
Character Name : Eduardo
Original Name : Miguel de Lira
Gender : Male
Character Name : Modesto
Original Name : Federico Pérez Rey
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mati Padrón
Original Name : Eva Fernández
Gender : Female
Character Name : Cuca Padrón
Original Name : Iolanda Muiños
Gender : Female
Character Name : Peque Padrón
Original Name : María Vázquez
Gender : Female
Character Name : Aurelia
Original Name : Mela Casal
Gender : Female
Character Name : Alicia Zamora
Original Name : Paku Granxa
Gender : Female
Character Name : Xavi
Original Name : Brais Yanek
Gender : Male
Character Name : Esther
Original Name : Patricia Torres
Gender : Male
Character Name : Diogo
Original Name : Ivo Bastos
Gender : Male
Character Name : Alfonso
Original Name : Manuel Cortés
Gender : Male
Character Name : Viriato
Original Name : Nuno J. Loureiro
Gender : Male
Character Name : Comisario
Original Name : Avelino González
Gender : Male
Character Name : Antía
Original Name : Antía Touriñán
Gender : Male
Character Name : Moraima
Original Name : Moraima Duarte
Gender : Male
Character Name : Axente I
Original Name : Filipe Abalde
Gender : Male
Character Name : Axente II
Original Name : Silvia Obelleiro
Gender : Male
Character Name : Axente III
Original Name : Arturo Casal
Gender : Male
Character Name : Presentador
Original Name : Terio Carrera
Gender : Male
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