
We're All Alright

- A short film about depression and the solidarity of female friendships.

Two childhood friends in their mid twenties live together in New York City, dealing with their inner demons, come to a crashing confrontation that may change the course of their relationship forever. Amanda, the spontaneous and easy going friend, has found herself in isolation battling mental illness which she holds secret. Jamie, the over planning and result-driven friend, has lost her path in life. Both wanting support from the other, but neither wanting to admit they need help, end up in the living room of their apartment, revealing their bottled up feelings.

Release Date :

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Stefanie Galler

Character Name : Amanda

Original Name : Stefanie Galler

Gender : Male

Stephanie Salgado

Character Name : Jamie

Original Name : Stephanie Salgado

Gender : Female


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