
Goodnight Mommy

- The darkest family secrets stay under wraps.

When twin brothers arrive home to find their mother’s demeanor altered and face covered in surgical bandages, they begin to suspect the woman beneath the gauze might not be their mother.

Release Date : 2022-09-16

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Animal KingdomPlaytime

Production Country : FranceUnited States of America

Alternative Titles : Goodnight Mommy U.S.


Naomi Watts

Character Name : Mother

Original Name : Naomi Watts

Gender : Female

Cameron Crovetti

Character Name : Elias

Original Name : Cameron Crovetti

Gender : Male

Nicholas Crovetti

Character Name : Lucas

Original Name : Nicholas Crovetti

Gender : Male

Peter Hermann

Character Name : Father

Original Name : Peter Hermann

Gender : Male

Jeremy Bobb

Character Name : Gary

Original Name : Jeremy Bobb

Gender : Male

Crystal Lucas-Perry

Character Name : Sandy

Original Name : Crystal Lucas-Perry

Gender : Female



Chris Sawin



_Goodnight Mommy _(2022) has the skeletal structure of a brain twisting and psychologically scarring horror film. However, it’s been cosmetically redesigned into something so misshapen, hideous, and unrecognizable that it’s a shell of its former shelf. If the original _Goodnight Mommy_ is Patrick Bateman from _American Psycho_, then the remake is the herb facial masque that he peels from his face and throws in the trash; it helps the original remain timeless but is otherwise disposable. **Full review:** https://discover.hubpages.com/entertainment/Goodnight-Mommy-2022-Review-The-Lipstick-on-a-Pig-of-Horror-Remakes





It is a remake of the Austrian movie of the same name, directed in 2014. The story of the movie is about two brothers who arrive at their mother's house, but they suspect that there is something strange in their mother's behavior. The Austrian version is of course better, but what distinguishes this version is that it has a plot in the scenario. If you have not watched the Austrian version, you will like this version What the director excelled at at the beginning of the film was that I did not doubt for a moment that one of the two brothers had died and that only the mother was seeing one of her sons, who was alive. The director tried as much as possible to mislead the viewer, but unfortunately, he did not succeed. The acting performance of the two brothers was okay, but the directing did not control the matter in an attempt to deceive the viewer until the end. The atmosphere of the film was dark to create a satisfactory atmosphere in the house because the mother is sick and wears a mask, but the dream scenes with reality were not mixed correctly and in a clever way. This movie was a simplified version and expresses that the lazy director could have done more to make the movie better.