Capitu and the Chapter
“If you had to choose between me and your mother, who would it be?” Capitu asks provocatively of her problematic lover. Elsewhere, they dance to inaudible music with their friends, each couple keeping to a rhythm of their own. At times, this depiction of the memories we see one Dom Casmurro commit to paper with a flamboyant pen seems to be an interplay of conflicting emotions – particularly when jealousy raises its head. Adapted from the Brazilian classic novel 'Dom Casmurro' (1899) by Machado de Assis as an ironic/philosophical essay on poetry and jealousy, and featuring fragments of Bressane’s previous works.
Release Date : 2023-07-27
Language :Portuguese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : TB ProduçõesGlobo Filmes
Production Country : Brazil
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Capitu
Original Name : Mariana Ximenes
Gender : Female
Character Name : Casmurro
Original Name : Enrique Díaz
Gender : Male
Character Name : Bentinho
Original Name : Vladimir Brichta
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sancha
Original Name : Djin Sganzerla
Gender : Female
Character Name : Escobar
Original Name : Saulo Rodrigues
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jose Dias
Original Name : Cláudio Mendes
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jovem Senhora
Original Name : Josie Antello
Gender : Female
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