
A Mother's Touch


Satoshi loses his eyesight completely at the age of 9 despite numerous surgeries, but grows up with cheerful spirit thanks to his mother Reiko’s unconditional love. Surrounded by affection and friendship at high school, Satoshi’s future seems bright until one day his family realizes that he is losing his hearing as well. Determined to never give up, Reiko tries everything she can to give him hope.

Release Date : 2022-11-04

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : GAGA CorporationThroneKaravan Pictures

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :



Character Name : Reiko Fukushima

Original Name : 小雪

Gender : Female

Taketo Tanaka

Character Name : Satoshi Fukushima

Original Name : 田中偉登

Gender : Male

Hisashi Yoshizawa

Character Name : Masami Fukushima

Original Name : 吉沢悠

Gender : Male

Mikako Yoshida

Character Name : Manami Masuda

Original Name : Mikako Yoshida

Gender : Female

Ryutaro Yamasaki

Character Name : Masato Yamamoto

Original Name : 山崎竜太郎

Gender : Male

Kota Fudauchi

Character Name : Masataka Yano

Original Name : Kota Fudauchi

Gender : Male

Hajime Inoue

Character Name : Katsutoshi Okuda

Original Name : 井上肇

Gender : Male

Aki Asakura

Character Name : Mizuho Iida

Original Name : 朝倉あき

Gender : Female

Lily Franky

Character Name : Mitsunori Nagao

Original Name : 中川雅也

Gender : Male


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