
She is Love

- Love is tender, funny, beautiful, unfair, painful, reckless.

When Patricia arrives at a country hotel in Cornwall, she encounters her ex husband Idris, who manages the place with his girlfriend Louise. Things are immediately awkward and the former couple reconnect over a long, messy night where they revisit the past while remaining open to new beginnings.

Release Date : 2023-02-03

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Signature Films

Production Country : United KingdomUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Haley Bennett

Character Name : Patricia

Original Name : Haley Bennett

Gender : Female

Sam Riley

Character Name : Idris

Original Name : Sam Riley

Gender : Male

Marisa Abela

Character Name : Louise

Original Name : Marisa Abela

Gender : Female

Rosa Robson

Character Name : Kate

Original Name : Rosa Robson

Gender : Female

Craig Russell

Character Name : Frank

Original Name : Craig Russell

Gender : Male



Manuel São Bento



MORE SPOILER-FREE MINI-REVIEWS @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/other-films-watched-lff-2022 "She is Love definitely holds a remarkably unique style, but one that fails to emotionally grab the audience. Haley Bennett and Sam Riley share amazing chemistry, Marisa Abela brings some fun into the film, and the cast's improvisation skills are admirable. However, the extreme close-ups, shaky cam, abrupt cuts, and chaotic editing make it a frustrating viewing. Whenever a scene is able to break through the screen and reach the hearts of everyone watching, a creative/technical decision comes to remove all emotion attached. Not for the general moviegoer." Rating: C-