
Out of Darkness

- The dawn of man. The birth of fear.

In the Old Stone Age, a disparate gang of early humans band together in search of a new land. But when they suspect a malevolent, mystical, being is hunting them down, the clan are forced to confront a danger they never envisaged.

Release Date : 2024-02-09

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Creative ScotlandAnimal KingdomEscape PlanSelkie ProductionsBFI

Production Country : United KingdomUnited States of America

Alternative Titles : The Origin


Safia Oakley-Green

Character Name : Beyah

Original Name : Safia Oakley-Green

Gender : Female

Kit Young

Character Name : Geirr

Original Name : Kit Young

Gender : Male

Chuku Modu

Character Name : Adem

Original Name : Chuku Modu

Gender : Male

Iola Evans

Character Name : Avé

Original Name : Iola Evans

Gender : Female

Arno Luening

Character Name : Odal

Original Name : Arno Luening

Gender : Male

Luna Mwezi

Character Name : Heron

Original Name : Luna Mwezi

Gender : Female

Rosebud Melarkey

Character Name : Neanderthal Woman

Original Name : Rosebud Melarkey

Gender : Male

Tyrell Mhlanga

Character Name : Neanderthal Man

Original Name : Tyrell Mhlanga

Gender : Male






So a group of Stone Age wanderers are searching the bleak wilderness for a new home when they begin to suspect that they are being stalked. Noises in the woods unsettle them, but they see nothing. Suddenly, though, one of their number is taken and the leader "Adem" (Chuku Modu) must make some difficult choices to ensure the survival of both his son and of his pregnant wife. The denseness of the Scottish forestry along with some creative use of light, shadow and audio goes some way to keep the film interesting but the plot itself is really weak and the actors - perfect teeth, skin, leather clothing that wouldn't look out of place at a gay pride gathering - all deprive the thing of any sense of menace or grittiness. It's difficult to watch without thinking the production caravan is just three feet out of shot! The redeeming feature may be an impressibly natural performance from Safia Oakley-Green ("Beyah") but I'm afraid for the most part, I struggled to remain engaged and the ending, well that was just rushed and a little disappointing too. I would still suggest you watch it, if you get the opportunity - but on the television is fine and don't expect to be scared.