
American Translation


From the moment they meet, brooding Chris and the beautiful Aurore fall instantly and passionately in love but it's not long before their intense connection is consumed by Chris's dark obsession with gay men. Before long, the pair embarks on a violent and sexual journey filled with seduction and destruction of young gay hustlers.

Release Date : 2011-06-07

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Lizzie Brocheré

Character Name : Aurore

Original Name : Lizzie Brocheré

Gender : Female

Pierre Perrier

Character Name : Chris

Original Name : Pierre Perrier

Gender : Male

Karl E. Landler

Character Name : Inspector Thomas

Original Name : Karl E. Landler

Gender : Male

Djédjé Apali

Character Name : Inspector Malherbe

Original Name : Djédjé Apali

Gender : Male

Jean-Marc Barr

Character Name : William

Original Name : Jean-Marc Barr

Gender : Male

Benjamin Bollen

Character Name : Young boy

Original Name : Benjamin Bollen

Gender : Male

Esteban Carvajal-Alegria

Character Name : Young student

Original Name : Esteban Carvajal-Alegria

Gender : Male

Laurent Delbecque

Character Name : Nick

Original Name : Laurent Delbecque

Gender : Male

Frederic Eng-Li

Character Name : Asian delivery man

Original Name : Frederic Eng-Li

Gender : Male

Ionita Radu Georgescu

Character Name : Vlad

Original Name : Ionita Radu Georgescu

Gender : Male

Yamin Gougmar

Character Name : Pizza delivery man

Original Name : Yamin Gougmar

Gender : Male

Arthur Harel

Character Name : Stephane

Original Name : Arthur Harel

Gender : Male

Pierre-Yves Kiebbe

Character Name : Mr. Levant

Original Name : Pierre-Yves Kiebbe

Gender : Male

Manon Klein

Character Name : Girl

Original Name : Manon Klein

Gender : Male

Arnaud Koller

Character Name : Henri

Original Name : Arnaud Koller

Gender : Male

Gray Orsatelli

Character Name : Matt

Original Name : Gray Orsatelli

Gender : Male

Marc Rioufol

Character Name : The priest

Original Name : Marc Rioufol

Gender : Male

Thomas Rouer

Character Name : Alex

Original Name : Thomas Rouer

Gender : Male

Akéla Sari

Character Name : Samia

Original Name : Akéla Sari

Gender : Female

Zoé Schellenberg

Character Name : Woman

Original Name : Zoé Schellenberg

Gender : Male

Astrid Vermeulin

Character Name : Mrs Levant

Original Name : Astrid Vermeulin

Gender : Male






“Chris" (Pierre Perrier) is handsome, tousled, young Frenchman with a penchant for sex - man, woman (probably chihuahua too if given the opportunity)... He meets “Aurora” (Lizzie Brocheré) - a young Franco-American girl and they set off travelling around rural France. Snag is, "Chris" has a bit of an asphyxiation fetish - and that leads to fatal results! As they continue to criss-cross their country in their camper van, their antics naturally attract the attention of the Sûreté! At times it is more erotic than sexy; and though there is nudity there is very little sex - it's more provocative than demonstrative, and that sometimes works. The problem is that neither character elicited any kind of emotion at all from me; and the gradual corruption of "Aurore" just lacked credibility. It is really very soft, kinky, porn with a theme that is rather basically photographed and uninterestingly self-destructive.