


One hot spring day, Lluís has a strong argument with his father at the construction site where they work together as architects. As a result of this confrontation, Lluís forced himself to abandon all his responsibilities, pushing his deepest fears to the limit and feeling overwhelmed by the world around him. Instead of going to pick up his daughter Julia at his ex-partner's house, he begins an intense journey that will lead him to decide whether or not to take control of his life.

Release Date : 2021-06-05

Language :Catalan

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Nanouk Films

Production Country : Spain

Alternative Titles :


Enric Auquer

Character Name : Lluís

Original Name : Enric Auquer

Gender : Male

Lluís Auquer

Character Name : Pare de Lluís

Original Name : Lluís Auquer

Gender : Male

Carmela Auquer

Character Name :

Original Name : Carmela Auquer

Gender : Male

Marta Aguilar

Character Name : Anna

Original Name : Marta Aguilar

Gender : Female

Eduardo Soler

Character Name : Eduard

Original Name : Eduardo Soler

Gender : Male

Aran Soler

Character Name :

Original Name : Aran Soler

Gender : Male


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