
Father Pablo


Manolo has decided to end his life and needs assistance. He has convinced Esmeralda, the caretaker of his hacienda, under the promise of leaving her the resources she needs to go live with her daughter and granddaughter in Baltimore. She only has one condition. She will not do anything unless Father Pablo vows to hear her confession after the act. Pablo decides to stay in the hacienda indefinitely, to impede them from doing anything. But he hardly does anything himself - and his time with Esmeralda will make him confront with his sense of goodness, and to check his pride and dogma, and the love he never found for his father.

Release Date : 2021-10-05

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Sopa de piedra films

Production Country : Mexico

Alternative Titles :


Rafael Martínez Sánchez

Character Name : Padre Pablo

Original Name : Rafael Martínez Sánchez

Gender : Male

Antón Araiza

Character Name : Padre Rubén

Original Name : Antón Araiza

Gender : Male

Carmen Ramos

Character Name : Esmeralda

Original Name : Carmen Ramos

Gender : Female

Juan Ignacio Aranda

Character Name : Manolo

Original Name : Juan Ignacio Aranda

Gender : Male

Ana Gonzalez Bello

Character Name : Daniela

Original Name : Ana González Bello

Gender : Female


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