
Waiting for Bojangles


A boy and his eccentric parents leave their home in Paris for a country house in Spain. As the mother descends deeper into her own mind, it's up to the boy and his father to keep her safe and happy.

Release Date : 2021-10-13

Language :EnglishFrenchSpanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Curiosa FilmsJPG FilmsFrance 2 CinémaOrange StudioStudioCanaluMedia

Production Country : BelgiumFrance

Alternative Titles :


Virginie Efira

Character Name : Camille

Original Name : Virginie Efira

Gender : Female

Romain Duris

Character Name : Georges

Original Name : Romain Duris

Gender : Male

Grégory Gadebois

Character Name : Charles

Original Name : Grégory Gadebois

Gender : Male

Solan Machado-Graner

Character Name : Gary

Original Name : Solan Machado-Graner

Gender : Male

Éliza Maillot

Character Name : Épouse

Original Name : Éliza Maillot

Gender : Female

Bénédicte Charton

Character Name : Épouse

Original Name : Bénédicte Charton

Gender : Male

Morgane Lombard

Character Name : Épouse

Original Name : Morgane Lombard

Gender : Female

Fabienne Chaudat

Character Name : Épouse

Original Name : Fabienne Chaudat

Gender : Female

Franck Mercadal

Character Name : Époux

Original Name : Franck Mercadal

Gender : Male

Lucas Bleger

Character Name : Époux

Original Name : Lucas Bleger

Gender : Male

Francois Raffenaud

Character Name : Époux

Original Name : Francois Raffenaud

Gender : Male

Marc Susini

Character Name : Époux

Original Name : Marc Susini

Gender : Male

Pénélope Montazel

Character Name : La jumelle

Original Name : Pénélope Montazel

Gender : Male

Christian Ameri

Character Name : Le fleuriste

Original Name : Christian Ameri

Gender : Male

Virginie Vives

Character Name : L'infirmière

Original Name : Virginie Vives

Gender : Female

Marie-Hélène Nicquevert

Character Name : La sage-femme

Original Name : Marie-Hélène Nicquevert

Gender : Male

Milo Machado-Graner

Character Name : Alexandre

Original Name : Milo Machado-Graner

Gender : Male

Lancelot Vandaele Nedelec

Character Name : Le second Alexandre

Original Name : Lancelot Vandaele Nedelec

Gender : Male

Pierre Hancisse

Character Name : L'intellectuel

Original Name : Pierre Hancisse

Gender : Male

Christine Bonnard

Character Name : Mme Lampion

Original Name : Christine Bonnard

Gender : Female

Manesca De Ternay

Character Name : La voisine

Original Name : Manesca De Ternay

Gender : Female

Valentine Montazel

Character Name : La jumelle

Original Name : Valentine Montazel

Gender : Male

Marie Fontannaz

Character Name : La femme au grand chignon

Original Name : Marie Fontannaz

Gender : Male

Aurélia Petit

Character Name : L'instructrice

Original Name : Aurélia Petit

Gender : Female

Johann Dionnet

Character Name : L'huissier

Original Name : Johann Dionnet

Gender : Male

Jean-Pierre Durand

Character Name : Le chef des pompiers

Original Name : Jean-Pierre Durand

Gender : Male

Rodrigue Faucin

Character Name : Sven

Original Name : Rodrigue Faucin

Gender : Male

Raoul Fernandez

Character Name : Le prêtre

Original Name : Raoul Fernandez

Gender : Male

Juliette Blanche

Character Name : Aide soignante

Original Name : Juliette Blanche

Gender : Male

Mira Rogliano

Character Name : Élève

Original Name : Mira Rogliano

Gender : Female

Orianne Daudin

Character Name : Danseuse

Original Name : Orianne Daudin

Gender : Female

Rose Harlean

Character Name : Une passante

Original Name : Rose Harlean

Gender : Female






We start at a swanky party where "Georges" (Romain Duris) is working his way around the guests regaling them with some tales that wouldn't have looked out of place in "Bedtime Story" (1964). Fearing that he's about to be rumbled, he tries for an hasty exit and that is when he encounters "Camille" (Virginia Efira) who is amidst some sort of solo dancing performance that captivates him. Romance blossoms, "Gary" (Solan Machado Graner) is born and the three embark on their lively and frenetic lives together. Up until now, this film is an unremarkable and rather bitty, episodic, comedy that sails very close to the winds of annoyance. Now, though, as the story has advanced a few years, it becomes a far more interesting and poignant tale as it is clear that "Camille" is losing the plot. She is prone to irrational outbursts, to violence and this is worrying her family and her friends. Help is sought and acquired but father and son cannot live without their girl and so concoct a plan to rescue her and abscond to a beautiful villa by the sea where they can all live happily ever after. It takes a brave storyteller to try and make a dark comedy from the subject of mental illness, and by combining a solid effort from Duris, a creative and engaging one from Efira and the frankly scene stealing contributions of the young Graner, Régis Roinsard just about gets away with it. Sometimes the humour is a little too surreal and in your face, but as the plot develops we are gradually drawn into their family predicament and I found myself feeling quite a bit of sympathy as you can sort of guess what is going to happen at the end. If you can forgive the first twenty minutes, then the film depicts a story that touches a few human emotions - love and selfishness chief amongst them, and is actually quite a decent watch.