


A Professor talks by phone video conversation to his girlfriend to invite her to his house, but interrupts the conversation to give an online class. As each of the students joins the class, they become ill and violent. Some students who had not started class, because they had not been able to get home, are communicating to notify that unexpected circumstances to the Professor, but are attacked, the Professor tries to calm down and calm his last student, but there is an outcome.

Release Date : 2021-01-14

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : MOB Producciones

Production Country : Venezuela

Alternative Titles :


Francisco Villarroel

Character Name : Professor

Original Name : Francisco Villarroel

Gender : Male

Anmeris Treco

Character Name : Susana

Original Name : Anmeris Treco

Gender : Female

Ana Sofía Rodríguez

Character Name : Ana

Original Name : Ana Sofía Rodríguez

Gender : Female

William Cuao

Character Name : William

Original Name : William Cuao

Gender : Male

Ramón Roa

Character Name : Running man

Original Name : Ramón Roa

Gender : Male

América Zerpa

Character Name : Woman in the hall

Original Name : América Zerpa

Gender : Female



Francisco Villarroel



A very interesting movie, good story and great acting. The movie keeps you just in front of the screen until the very end.