


When a distant emergency disrupts a vacation in Acapulco, simmering tensions rise to the fore between scions of a wealthy British family.

Release Date : 2022-01-28

Language :EnglishSpanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : LuxboxCommon Ground PicturesFilm i VästTeoremaEficine

Production Country : FranceMexicoSweden

Alternative Titles :


Tim Roth

Character Name : Neil Bennett

Original Name : Tim Roth

Gender : Male

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Character Name : Alice Bennett

Original Name : Charlotte Gainsbourg

Gender : Female

Iazua Larios

Character Name : Bernice

Original Name : Iazua Larios

Gender : Female

Henry Goodman

Character Name : Richard

Original Name : Henry Goodman

Gender : Male

Albertine Kotting McMillan

Character Name : Alexa Bennett

Original Name : Albertine Kotting McMillan

Gender : Female

Samuel Bottomley

Character Name : Colin Bennett

Original Name : Samuel Bottomley

Gender : Male

Godriyah Faoziati

Character Name : Masseur

Original Name : Godriyah Faoziati

Gender : Male

Ely Guerra

Character Name : Singer

Original Name : Ely Guerra

Gender : Female

James Tarpey

Character Name : Albert Thompson

Original Name : James Tarpey

Gender : Male

Roberto Medina

Character Name : Doctor Medina

Original Name : Roberto Medina

Gender : Male

Javier Méndez

Character Name : Waiter in Hotel

Original Name : Javier Méndez

Gender : Male

Raul Peña Montalbán

Character Name : Waiter in Hotel

Original Name : Raul Peña Montalbán

Gender : Male

Alfredo Evangelista

Character Name : Waiter in Hotel

Original Name : Alfredo Evangelista

Gender : Male

César Villanueva

Character Name : Margaritas Waiter

Original Name : César Villanueva

Gender : Male

Karla Zamacona

Character Name : Hotel Hostess

Original Name : Karla Zamacona

Gender : Male

Julio César Lorenzo Álvarez

Character Name : Diver

Original Name : Julio César Lorenzo Álvarez

Gender : Male

Alejandro Balanzar Rivera

Character Name : Diver

Original Name : Alejandro Balanzar Rivera

Gender : Male

Brando Palacios Pérez

Character Name : Diver

Original Name : Brando Palacios Pérez

Gender : Male

Juan Francisco Cruz Alarcón

Character Name : Diver

Original Name : Juan Francisco Cruz Alarcón

Gender : Male

Oliver Uriostegui

Character Name : Golf Cart Driver

Original Name : Oliver Uriostegui

Gender : Male

Ruben Maldonado

Character Name : Hotel’s Suburban Driver

Original Name : Ruben Maldonado

Gender : Male

Fernanda Rivera

Character Name : Aeroméxico’s Executive

Original Name : Fernanda Rivera

Gender : Male

Jesús Godínez

Character Name : Jorge “Campos” Saldaña

Original Name : Jesús Godínez

Gender : Male

Mónica del Carmen

Character Name : Luisa

Original Name : Mónica del Carmen

Gender : Female

Santiago Valente

Character Name : Caleta Beach Waiter

Original Name : Santiago Valente

Gender : Male

Anderson Lisandro

Character Name : Anderson

Original Name : Anderson Lisandro

Gender : Male

Jenny Domínguez Flores

Character Name : Jenny

Original Name : Jenny Domínguez Flores

Gender : Male

Julián Barbosa

Character Name : Berenice’s Friend

Original Name : Julián Barbosa

Gender : Male

Grecia Pita

Character Name : Berenice’s Friend

Original Name : Grecia Pita

Gender : Male

Alet Rojas

Character Name : Berenice’s Friend

Original Name : Alet Rojas

Gender : Male

Victor Hugo

Character Name : Berenice's Friend

Original Name : Victor Hugo

Gender : Male

Luis David

Character Name : Berenice’s Friend

Original Name : Luis David

Gender : Male



Steve Parker

@steveinadelaide l


**SUNDOWN** is a new psychological mystery drama from director Michel Franco. The story follows a wealthy British family who is vacationing in Acapulco when a distant emergency disrupts their plans. The simmering tensions between the group members come to the fore as they try to figure out what is going on and how to deal with the situation. Tim Roth and Charlotte Gainsbourg give strong performances as the patriarch and matriarch of the family, respectively. The rest of the cast is also excellent. The film is slow-paced and gently suspenseful, with plenty of twists and turns to keep viewers guessing as to what is at the heart of the trouble in this family. The dialogue in **SUNDOWN** is sharp and intelligent, with the characters often engaging in heated exchanges that reveal a lot about their relationships. The dialogue is one of the highlights of the film, as it allows the viewer to get a sense of who these people are and what they're going through. There are also some very funny moments, which help to lighten the mood in what is otherwise a tense film. The cinematography is beautiful, with the sun-drenched Acapulco setting providing a stunning backdrop for the film's events. The use of light and shadow is also excellent, creating an atmosphere of suspense and foreboding that adds to the film's overall impact. Themes such as family dynamics, secrets, and betrayal are explored in **SUNDOWN**, making it a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film. The slow pacing may be a challenge for some, but those who stick with it will be rewarded with a complex and rewarding experience.