
The Bells of Cockaigne


An old warehouse worker dreams of saving enough money to return to his native Ireland, but it would seem unlikely. A young man who also works there is in a bad fix, he too has little money but his baby is sick and needs medicine he can't afford. He gambles with the dock workers and loses what little he had. Meanwhile, the old man discovers he has a valuable dollar with the winning serial number in a newspaper contest.

Release Date : 1953-11-17

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Gene Lockhart

Character Name : Pat

Original Name : Gene Lockhart

Gender : Male

James Dean

Character Name : Joey

Original Name : James Dean

Gender : Male

Vaughn Taylor

Character Name : Jonesy

Original Name : Vaughn Taylor

Gender : Male

Donalee Marans

Character Name : Margie

Original Name : Donalee Marans

Gender : Male


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