The Eyes of Dante
He is considered the greatest European poet of the Middle Ages and his work unfolds the whole panopticon of occidental education – theology, philosophy, sciences, politics and literature. But who has really read it, the “Divine Comedy”? Who knows more of its creator Dante Alighieri than that he had an eagle-like profile and was in love with a woman named Beatrice? 700 years after Dante’s death, the filmmaker Adolfo Conti travels through Italy with Dante’s words in mind and eyes to see the world as Dante did. As the film encounters the beauty of arts and the Tuscan landscape, the forces of nature, a dramatic life story is unfolded.
Release Date : 2021-03-02
Language :Italian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : DocArtLeonardo FilmSWRARTERAI
Production Country : GermanyItaly
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Dante Alighieri
Original Name : Alberto Baraghini
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dante Alighieri (older)
Original Name : Angelo Gallamini
Gender : Male
Character Name : Narrator
Original Name : Monica Piseddu
Gender : Female
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Camilla Baldi
Gender : Female
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