HorrorScience Fiction



In the near future crime rates are at an all time high. The government counters this development with a new prison: The Vortex. Innocent citizen Vincent is sent there, after he killed a man who tried to rob him in self-defense. In the Vortex everybody has to commit their crime over and over again. Vincents first victim is his neighbour Carl.

Release Date : 2001-01-01

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Hardy Krüger Jr.

Character Name : Vincent

Original Name : Hardy Krüger Jr.

Gender : Male

Harald Leipnitz

Character Name : Carl

Original Name : Harald Leipnitz

Gender : Male

Arne Fuhrmann

Character Name : Boon / Staatsanwalt

Original Name : Arne Fuhrmann

Gender : Male

Gilbert von Sohlern

Character Name : Ozwin

Original Name : Gilbert von Sohlern

Gender : Male


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