Gourmet Club
"Gourmet Club" follows a doctor who belongs to a small but exclusive gourmet club, in which the five upper-class members take turns providing the main course, wagering as to who can identify a mystery exotic ingredient. Things get interesting when the doctor's gambling problem catches up with him. Desperate, he comes up with the idea to use a truly shocking mystery ingredient to fool his colleagues, but he gets more than he bargained for when the mystery meal has a surprising and powerful effect on the members.
Release Date : 2004-11-29
Language :Finnish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Finland
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Chef Orsino Mangiacavallo
Original Name : Michael Badalucco
Gender : Male
Character Name : Henri Wallenius
Original Name : Kari Ketonen
Gender : Male
Character Name : Paavo Ylönen
Original Name : Hannu-Pekka Björkman
Gender : Male
Character Name : Herman Castrén
Original Name : Antti Litja
Gender : Male
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