
Timber Falls


A weekend of camping in the mountains becomes an excursion into hell for a young couple, who become pawns in a grotesque plot hatched by deranged locals.

Release Date : 2007-12-07

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Ascendant PicturesA-Mark EntertainmentRifkin-Eberts ProductionsFilm Tiger

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Josh Randall

Character Name : Mike

Original Name : Josh Randall

Gender : Male

Brianna Brown

Character Name : Sheryl

Original Name : Brianna Brown

Gender : Female

Nick Searcy

Character Name : clyde

Original Name : Nick Searcy

Gender : Male

Beth Broderick

Character Name : Ida

Original Name : Beth Broderick

Gender : Female

Sascha Rosemann

Character Name : Deacon

Original Name : Sascha Rosemann

Gender : Male

T.W. Leshner

Character Name : Darryl

Original Name : T.W. Leshner

Gender : Male

Ryan Wiik

Character Name : Jason

Original Name : Ryan Wiik

Gender : Male

Branden Morgan

Character Name : Brody

Original Name : Branden Morgan

Gender : Male

Carl Bressler

Character Name : Sam

Original Name : Carl Bressler

Gender : Male

Ryan McGee

Character Name : Lonnie

Original Name : Ryan McGee

Gender : Male

Suzanna Urszuly

Character Name : Sarah

Original Name : Suzanna Urszuly

Gender : Female

Debbie Jaffe

Character Name : Evelyn

Original Name : Debbie Jaffe

Gender : Female






**Cheap, Stupid, and Completely Lacking in Originality** Wow, what a waste of time this film was. It's not just that the movie constantly sinks to B-movie levels and makes a fool of itself with poorly done, low-budget splatter scenes. The story is pure nonsense! Anyone who has a problem with seeing Christian symbols dragged through the mud should stay far away from this one. And that’s probably the only reason anyone would watch this film on purpose, with the intention and knowledge of what they’re getting into: if they have a grudge against Christian symbolism. But even that wouldn't be enough to overlook the terrible story and the cheap, uninspired direction. I doubt there's much to spoil about the "story" itself, but here goes: a couple goes hiking in the mountains, away from civilization, and gets kidnapped, tortured, and so on by religious fanatics. The film's biggest weakness lies in its "villains." On one hand, they’re portrayed as Bible fanatics, yet on the other, they seem perfectly fine with breaking almost every commandment in the Bible (lying, stealing, mudering, coveting, etc.). If you're looking for a film in this genre, just watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something in the same league, because this one rips off those films continuously. My recommendation: hands off!