
The Disappearance?


Mathieu Sapin, a successful comic books author (Gérard, cinq années dans les pattes de Depardieu), creates an album to mark the fortieth anniversary of François Mitterand’s election. He turns to the figures in the shadows of the Socialist Party, in the forefront of which is Julien Dray known as the “Baron Noir”. Through anecdotes and firsthand accounts of those who spent time in the highest spheres of the French state since 1981, Mathieu Sapin attempts to answer the big question: “who killed the French left?”.

Release Date : 2022-02-09

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Laure Adler

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Laure Adler

Gender : Female

Gérard Colé

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Gérard Colé

Gender : Male

Julien Dray

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Julien Dray

Gender : Male

Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet

Gender : Male

Mathieu Sapin

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Mathieu Sapin

Gender : Male


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