Patouillard's Wife Wants to Follow the Latest Fashions
The wife of Patouillard begs him for new clothes according to the latest fashion in the newspapers. So they go out for some shopping. Afterwards she is going out in her new dress, which is so tight that she can hardly walk in it. She changes the skirt for a pair of trousers, but finds herself being laughed at, and when the trousers get wet at the seaside, Patouillard finally puts her in a jute bag and makes her hop back home.
Release Date : 1912-02-01
Language :No Language
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : LUX
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles : Patouillard's Wife Wants to Follow the Latest Trends
Character Name : Patouillard
Original Name : Paul Bertho
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mme. Patouillard
Original Name : Sarah Duhamel
Gender : Female
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