


Matilde lives in a cramped house on the beach with his grandfather. To make some money, she scours the sand with her metal detector hoping to find something of value. On a cold winter morning, Matilde will discover an object which will change her life forever.

Release Date : 2022-01-23

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Nikada FilmQuasar MultimediaZen MovieMiC

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles :


Rita Abela

Character Name : Matilde

Original Name : Rita Abela

Gender : Female

Enzo Provenzano

Character Name : Granpa Luccio

Original Name : Enzo Provenzano

Gender : Male

Luca Massaro

Character Name : Tonio

Original Name : Luca Massaro

Gender : Male

Lallo Circosta

Character Name : Mario

Original Name : Lallo Circosta

Gender : Male


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