
Split Decisions


When a boxer is killed because he wouldn't take a dive, his brother tries to find a way to avenge him even if only symbolically.

Release Date : 1988-06-11

Language :EnglishPortuguese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : New Century Entertainment CorporationNew Century Productions

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Kid Glove’s Last Fight


Gene Hackman

Character Name : Dan McGuinn

Original Name : Gene Hackman

Gender : Male

Craig Sheffer

Character Name : Eddie McGuinn

Original Name : Craig Sheffer

Gender : Male

Carmine Caridi

Character Name : Lou Rubia

Original Name : Carmine Caridi

Gender : Male

Jennifer Beals

Character Name : Barbara Uribe

Original Name : Jennifer Beals

Gender : Female

Jeff Fahey

Character Name : Ray McGuinn

Original Name : Jeff Fahey

Gender : Male

John McLiam

Character Name : Pop McGuinn

Original Name : John McLiam

Gender : Male

Eddie Velez

Character Name : Julian 'Snake' Pedroza

Original Name : Eddie Velez

Gender : Male

James Tolkan

Character Name : Benny Pistone

Original Name : James Tolkan

Gender : Male

David Labiosa

Character Name : Rudy

Original Name : David Labiosa

Gender : Male

Harry Van Dyke

Character Name : Douby

Original Name : Harry Van Dyke

Gender : Male

John Thomas

Character Name : CSPRT Referee

Original Name : John Thomas

Gender : Male






"Split Decisions" has a very heavy reliance upon a selection of stereotypes we have seen countless times before and there is more than a faint whiff of "Rocky" (1976) wafting around in the air - in the best possible way of course. And even though you spend much of the running time negotiating the gamut of familiar characters and situations on offer this still manages to be a very vivid and absorbing film which makes for strangely compulsive viewing for some inexplicable and unfathomable reason. The boxing sequences themselves are extremely convincing in their portrayal of uncompromising and unrelenting brutality and even though the web of events which has been woven is concluded in the most abrupt way imaginable which is much too convenient for its own good it sure as hell beats the alternative of having a plethora of inconclusive and unresolved loose ends.