
Il giovane corsaro - Pasolini da Bologna


A young student prepares his degree thesis on Pasolini and Bologna by investigating the relationship of the great intellectual with the city of his childhood and his studies. Following in the footsteps left by Pasolini in Bo­logna, the protagonist will tell, for the first time in the form of a documentary and with a rock narrative rhythm, the emotional, visceral but also controversial bond of Pasolini with Bologna until his final days, also characterized by severe criticisms of the “consumerist and communist” city, a symbolic terrain of the adverse social and economic metamorphosis from paleo­industrial to neo-capitalist society.

Release Date : 2022-04-12

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Sì ProduzioniRegione Emilia-RomagnaEmilia-Romagna Film Commission

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles :


Neri Marcorè

Character Name : Narrator (voice)

Original Name : Neri Marcorè

Gender : Male

Nico Guerzoni

Character Name : Narrator (voice)

Original Name : Nico Guerzoni

Gender : Male

Melissa d'Ottavi

Character Name : Narrator (voice)

Original Name : Melissa d'Ottavi

Gender : Male

Samantha Faina

Character Name : Narrator (voice)

Original Name : Samantha Faina

Gender : Male


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