
I Start Counting

- In the world of the nightmare, a little blood adds colour!

An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is a serial killer.

Release Date : 1970-10-27

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Triumvirate FilmsUnited Artists

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Jenny Agutter

Character Name : Wynne

Original Name : Jenny Agutter

Gender : Female

Bryan Marshall

Character Name : George

Original Name : Bryan Marshall

Gender : Male

Clare Sutcliffe

Character Name : Corinne

Original Name : Clare Sutcliffe

Gender : Female

Simon Ward

Character Name : Conductor

Original Name : Simon Ward

Gender : Male

Gregory Phillips

Character Name : Len

Original Name : Gregory Phillips

Gender : Male

Lana Morris

Character Name : Leonie

Original Name : Lana Morris

Gender : Female

Billy Russell

Character Name : Granddad

Original Name : Billy Russell

Gender : Male

Madge Ryan

Character Name : Mother

Original Name : Madge Ryan

Gender : Female

Michael Feast

Character Name : Jim

Original Name : Michael Feast

Gender : Male

Fay Compton

Character Name : Mrs. Bennett

Original Name : Fay Compton

Gender : Female

Lally Bowers

Character Name : Aunt Rene

Original Name : Lally Bowers

Gender : Female

Charles Lloyd Pack

Character Name : Priest at School

Original Name : Charles Lloyd Pack

Gender : Male

Lewis Fiander

Character Name : Priest at Church

Original Name : Lewis Fiander

Gender : Male

Gordon Richardson

Character Name : Tramp

Original Name : Gordon Richardson

Gender : Male

Fanny Carby

Character Name : Nun at School

Original Name : Fanny Carby

Gender : Female

Phil Collins

Character Name : Ice Cream Vendor (uncredited)

Original Name : Phil Collins

Gender : Male

Jim Brady

Character Name : Man Waiting in Line to Buy Ice Cream (uncredited)

Original Name : Jim Brady

Gender : Male






Unlike a great many movies that deal with youthful infatuation and unrequited love, both Jenny Agutter ("Wynne") and Bryan Marshall ("George") are approximately the ages they are meant to be in this coming-of-age drama with a twist, and that helps the plot work rather well. She is the 15 year old girl living with her mother, two stepbrothers, and her grand father. She has the mother of all crushes on the 32 year old "George", and even though he doesn't remotely reciprocate, she will do what she can to keep him sweet. When she discovers a jumper she gave him covered in blood, just as news is breaking of a serial killer who is preying on young girls, she decides it must be him and to protect him at all costs... Agutter was never the most versatile of actors but here she plays a character that has an innocence, a naivety, a vulnerability about her that vacillates from the absurd to the creepy very effectively. We know who the killer is (or, initially whom it certainly isn't, anyway) so the thriller element is dealt with really quite quickly. What's left isn't just a daft romance though, it has menace and a sharpness to it with a well written, gritty and occasionally quite ripe dialogue from her other stepbrother "Len" (Gregory Phillips) and quite an intimidating performance from bus conductor Simon Ward. David Greene has used a fair degree of cinematic licence with this adaptation, and to be honest elements of the production look very dated after 50 years, but it is still very tautly presented and is well worth a watch.