


Rita belongs to a women's choir which is in danger of breaking up because they’ve lost the municipal subsidy that allowed them renting their rehearsal room. Now the group has to decide whether or not to accept sponsorship by one of the companies causing the most pollution in the valley.

Release Date : 2022-05-24

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Spain

Alternative Titles :


Begoña Suarez

Character Name :

Original Name : Begoña Suarez

Gender : Male

Miguel Garcés

Character Name :

Original Name : Miguel Garcés

Gender : Male

Xanti Aguirrezabalaga

Character Name :

Original Name : Xanti Aguirrezabalaga

Gender : Male

Jone Laspiur

Character Name :

Original Name : Jone Laspiur

Gender : Female


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