
I Like Movies


Socially inept 17-year-old cinephile Lawrence Kweller gets a job at a video store, where he forms a complicated friendship with his older female manager.

Release Date : 2023-03-10

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : VHS Forever

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles :


Isaiah Lehtinen

Character Name : Lawrence Kweller

Original Name : Isaiah Lehtinen

Gender : Male

Romina D'Ugo

Character Name : Alana

Original Name : Romina D'Ugo

Gender : Female

Krista Bridges

Character Name : Terri Kweller

Original Name : Krista Bridges

Gender : Female

Percy Hynes White

Character Name : Matt Macarchuck

Original Name : Percy Hynes White

Gender : Male

Alex Ateah

Character Name : Shannon

Original Name : Alex Ateah

Gender : Male

Andy McQueen

Character Name : Brendan

Original Name : Andy McQueen

Gender : Male

Eden Cupid

Character Name : Lauren P.

Original Name : Eden Cupid

Gender : Female

Anand Rajaram

Character Name : Mr. Olenick

Original Name : Anand Rajaram

Gender : Male

Dan Beirne

Character Name : Owen

Original Name : Dan Beirne

Gender : Male

Tanner Zipchen

Character Name : Video Store Hottie

Original Name : Tanner Zipchen

Gender : Male

Veronika Slowikowska

Character Name : Tabitha

Original Name : Veronika Slowikowska

Gender : Female

Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll

Character Name : Yuppie Man

Original Name : Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll

Gender : Male

Gwynne Phillips

Character Name : Yuppie Woman

Original Name : Gwynne Phillips

Gender : Female

Sarah Camacho

Character Name : Customer

Original Name : Sarah Camacho

Gender : Female

Robert Cook

Character Name : Old Man

Original Name : Robert Cook

Gender : Male

Trina Skan

Character Name : Cineplex Ticket Agent

Original Name : Trina Skan

Gender : Male

Jordan Alleyne

Character Name : Year End Prom Video

Original Name : Jordan Alleyne

Gender : Male

Aiden Altow

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Aiden Altow

Gender : Male

Daniel Chang

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Daniel Chang

Gender : Male

Alicia Di Monte

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Alicia Di Monte

Gender : Male

Mikal Dixon

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Mikal Dixon

Gender : Male

Katie Douglas

Character Name : Prom Date

Original Name : Katie Douglas

Gender : Female

Alexander Gallimore

Character Name : Year End Prom Video

Original Name : Alexander Gallimore

Gender : Male

Tama Martin

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Tama Martin

Gender : Male

Adrian Misaljevic

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Adrian Misaljevic

Gender : Male

Vaughan Murrae

Character Name : Year End Prom Video

Original Name : Vaughan Murrae

Gender : Male

Davis Okey

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Davis Okey

Gender : Male

Margaret Rose

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Margaret Rose

Gender : Male

Elora Sarmiento

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Elora Sarmiento

Gender : Male

Natalie Smith

Character Name : I Like Movies

Original Name : Natalie Smith

Gender : Male

Samantha Vu

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Samantha Vu

Gender : Male

Malea Yarde

Character Name : Classmate

Original Name : Malea Yarde

Gender : Male



Brent Marchant



It’s admirable when someone has obvious enthusiasm for a personal passion and is eager to share that sentiment with others. However, it’s something else entirely when that burgeoning zeal is expressed with condescension, arrogance and disdain toward others when they share their views on the subject. That’s the issue 17-year-old Canadian high school senior Lawrence Kweller (Isaiah Lehtinen) wrestles with when it comes to his love of movies. As an aspiring film student seeking to attend New York University after graduating as part of the class of 2003, he speaks about his obsession – often quite naively – as a pompous, self-absorbed aesthete who doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does (and doesn’t realize it either). He routinely puts down fellow students in his media studies class, co-workers at the video store where he works, his widowed, hard-working single mother who struggles to make ends meet and even his supposed best friend and film project collaborator, Matt (Percy Hynes White). While it’s true that some of Lawrence’s behavior is attributable to psychological troubles and personal trauma, there are limits to what others will tolerate. The result of this is a series of hard lessons in comeuppance, especially when his inflated, entitled attitude is slapped back by those looking to put him in his place. Writer-director Chandler Levack’s debut feature serves up a smart, sassy, edgy comedy-drama about learning how to be legitimately inspired and impassioned without making an insufferable ass out of oneself, youthful inexperience notwithstanding. The picture is loaded with hilarious and poignant movie references that avid cinephiles are sure to love and appreciate, as well as an array of sidesplitting coming of age bits that probably take many of us back to the geeky ways of our own adolescence. Admittedly, some of the story threads seem a little implausible and don’t work as well as they might have (especially in the final act), and a few of the jokes – though funny – nevertheless stand alone like comic islands that seem disconnected from the main narrative. Nevertheless, “I Like Movies” is an otherwise-whimsical, delightful, engaging indie gem that will remind us of what it was once like to be idealistic yet blissfully ignorant, one that we can only hope will leave an indelible impression on younger viewers whose off-screen behavior tends to mirror that of the protagonist. Indeed, it’s one thing to love movies, but it’s something else entirely to think that life operates the same way.