
The White Meadows


Rahmat travels to a host of islands in a vast salt pan in order to collect the inhabitant's tears for an unknown purpose. He is joined on his mysterious journey by a young boy searching for his father. As their travel nears its end, a potent critique of the Iran's political leadership emerges.

Release Date : 2009-09-19

Language :Persian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Sharz Tamasha Media

Production Country : Iran

Alternative Titles :


Hassan Pourshirazi

Character Name : Rahmat

Original Name : Hassan Pourshirazi

Gender : Male

Younes Ghazali

Character Name :

Original Name : Younes Ghazali

Gender : Male

Mohammad Rabbani

Character Name :

Original Name : Mohammad Rabbani

Gender : Male

Mohammad Shirvani

Character Name :

Original Name : Mohammad Shirvani

Gender : Male

Omid Zare

Character Name :

Original Name : Omid Zare

Gender : Male

Mohammad Rabbanipour

Character Name :

Original Name : Mohammad Rabbanipour

Gender : Male






Stunning imagery. Whether interpreted as allegory or Kafkaesque nightmare, this is a prime example of the upper tier in art film. The end seemed somewhat out of place after the mesmerizing journeys through Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran. The director and others were jailed for making it. This film warrants multiple viewings.