
Rest Stop

- The First Stop on the Road to Hell

In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old road, and when they park in a rest stop, Jess is abducted by the sadistic driver of an old yellow truck. Along the night, Nicole is threatened by the sick maniac, while mysterious things happen to her in the place.

Release Date : 2006-10-07

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Papazian-Hirsch Entertainment InternationalFlame VenturesRaw Feed

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Rest Stop: Dead Ahead


Jaimie Alexander

Character Name : Nicole Carrow

Original Name : Jaimie Alexander

Gender : Female

Joey Mendicino

Character Name : Jess Hilts

Original Name : Joey Mendicino

Gender : Male

Deanna Russo

Character Name : Tracy Kress

Original Name : Deanna Russo

Gender : Female

Diane Salinger

Character Name : The Mother

Original Name : Diane Salinger

Gender : Female

Curtis Taylor

Character Name : The Ranger

Original Name : Curtis Taylor

Gender : Male

Joey Lawrence

Character Name : Officer Michael Deacon

Original Name : Joey Lawrence

Gender : Male

Gary Entin

Character Name : Twin #1

Original Name : Gary Entin

Gender : Male

Edmund Entin

Character Name : Twin #2

Original Name : Edmund Entin

Gender : Male

Jennifer Cormack

Character Name : College Student

Original Name : Jennifer Cormack

Gender : Female

Mikey Post

Character Name : Scotty

Original Name : Mikey Post

Gender : Male

Michael Childers

Character Name : The Father

Original Name : Michael Childers

Gender : Male

Nick Orefice

Character Name : The Killer

Original Name : Nick Orefice

Gender : Male






So I am going to give _Rest Stop_ a rating of half a star, because it's fucking terrible, but I must admit, I did have at least a little fun talking shit about the movie with some mates. Ridiculous. Final rating:½ - So bad it’s offensive.





**No rest while a killer on the loose!** I watch B movies, but not that regularly. This was a direct-to-video film. I know nobody from it. At first it did not feel like I'm watching a film, but like someone who wanted to be a filmmaker is messing around with his camera. But it was not a matter, I got used to it, especially once the thrill part had started. It's an out and out thriller that is set in a remote place where a young woman was trapped by a mysterious killer. So her survival game begins, but the killer is always a step ahead. How long it can go like this and what happens at the end are the rest of the film to tell us. Those thriller parts were good for such a low cost film. But the screenplay was very very bad. It had a story, but there's no reason for it. Totally failed on that to give one. That's what people always expect at the end the film to explain. It was more like a silly random act, though most of the 'killing' films are similar. They have added a sex scene at the very beginning, knowing there won't be a place for it in the latter section. You can say it was unnecessary, but to bring more audience to the film to watch. I have seen even worse. So, for the attempt and for a couple of scenes it deserves some respect. _3/10_





Straight-to-video had a simple but solid premise going in but throwing in a clear supernatural element (i.e. a phantom, immortal driver and vivid, interactive hallucinations) really turned me off. I will say Jaimie Alexander (in what looks like only her second feature film) wasn't bad. Watchable I guess but ultimately doesn't work. **2.25/5**