ActionDramaHorrorScience FictionThriller

Rising Boas in a Girl's School


A dangerous horde of venomous snakes together with a giant boa escapes from a leather factory. Meanwhile, at a local girl's school, everyone is preparing for a graduation. However, it is suddenly stopped, after snakes attack schoolgirls. Will they escape and survive the monster's attack?

Release Date : 2022-06-09

Language :Mandarin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : China

Alternative Titles :


Peng Bo

Character Name : Li Mengna

Original Name : 彭渤

Gender : Female

Zheng Long

Character Name : Liu Chao

Original Name : Zheng Long

Gender : Male

Shi Xuanru

Character Name : Ma Su

Original Name : 侍宣如

Gender : Female






Snakes attack, women scream, repeat for an hour and a half. Absolutely no blood or gore in this; the snakes very politely swallow everyone whole. A few jump scares should be the bare minimum for this type of movie, but apparently they couldn't even handle that.