31 Minutos: Don Quijote
- Based on El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Juan Carlos Bodoque plays Miguel de Cervantes; Tulio Triviño plays Don Quixote, Juanin Juan Harry plays Sancho and Patana plays Pantonia, the hidalgo's niece. Thus, the universe of the acclaimed children's program 31 Minutos is transferred to the work of Cervantes in a theatrical parody for children and adults that recreates essential elements of the story, maintaining some of its most innovative aspects: the author as a character in the work, the existence of the book within the same novel, etc. The puppet version of the literary classic is quite faithful to the original text, since it preserves entire dialogues from the novel as a way of valuing its validity. It also rescues themes such as fantasy, the necessary madness or eccentricity that takes us out of everyday life and inspires us to fulfill our dreams despite the difficulties; friendship and love as values worth defending tooth and nail, and humor as a trench against pedantry.
Release Date : 2021-08-08
Language :
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : AplaplacTeatro A Mil
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Tulio Triviño as Alonso Quijano / Don Quijote (voice)
Original Name : Pedro Peirano
Gender : Male
Character Name : Juanín as Sancho Panza / Sopapiglobo / Jurado 1 (voice)
Original Name : Guillermo Silva
Gender : Male
Character Name : Juan Carlos Bodoque as Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (voice)
Original Name : Álvaro Díaz González
Gender : Male
Character Name : Patana Tufillo as Pantonia / Sancho's Wife / Maid (voice)
Original Name : Jani Dueñas
Gender : Female
Character Name : Guaripolo as 'Sansón' / Cósimo as 'Juez' / Chancho (voice)
Original Name : Patricio Díaz
Gender : Male
Character Name : Policarpo as 'El barbero' / Singed Tío Pelado (voice)
Original Name : Pedro Piedra
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mario Hugo as 'El cura' / Tío Pelado as 'Posadero' (voice)
Original Name : Felipe Godoy
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jurado 2 (voice)
Original Name : Paco Pasquette
Gender : Male
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