
Hitler's Children

- Thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father.

Their family name alone evokes horror: Himmler, Frank, Goering, Hoess. This film looks at the descendants of the most powerful figures in the Nazi regime: men and women who were left a legacy that indelibly associates them with one of the greatest abominations in history. What is it like to have grown up with a name that immediately raises images of genocide? How do they live with the weight of their ancestors' crimes? Is it possible to move on from the crimes of their ancestors?

Release Date : 2011-11-21

Language :GermanEnglishHebrew

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Maya Production

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Bettina Göring

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Bettina Göring

Gender : Female

Katrin Himmler

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Katrin Himmler

Gender : Female

Monika Hertwig

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Monika Hertwig

Gender : Female

Rainer Höß

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Rainer Höß

Gender : Male

Eldad Beck

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Eldad Beck

Gender : Male

Niklas Frank

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Niklas Frank

Gender : Male

Yael Bedarshi

Character Name : Himself - Narrator (voice)

Original Name : Yael Bedarshi

Gender : Female

Adi Piper

Character Name : Self - Bettina Göring's husband

Original Name : Adi Piper

Gender : Male

Samuel West

Character Name : Narrator (voice) (uncredited)

Original Name : Samuel West

Gender : Male


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