Before Tomorrow
Two isolated families meet for a summertime celebration. Food is abundant and the future seems bright, but Ningiuq, a wise old woman, sees her world as fragile and moves through it with a pervasive sense of dread. Ningiuq and her grandson Maniq are dropped off on a remote island, where, every year, the family dries the catch and stores it for winter. The task is soon finished. As summer turns to fall, they wait in vain for the others to pick them up.
Release Date : 2008-09-07
Language :Inuktitut
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Canada
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Apak
Original Name : Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ninioq
Original Name : Madeline Ivalu
Gender : Male
Character Name : Maniq
Original Name : Paul-Dylan Ivalu
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kuutujuk
Original Name : Mary Qulitalik
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kukik
Original Name : Tumasie Sivuarapik
Gender : Male
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