


In Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, a woman walks into a chadari store in Kabul to buy her first full-body veil and face an uncertain future.

Release Date : 2023-04-12

Language :Persian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Azana Films

Production Country : AfghanistanUnited Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Afsaneh Dehrouyeh

Character Name :

Original Name : Afsaneh Dehrouyeh

Gender : Female

Elham Ehsas

Character Name :

Original Name : Elham Ehsas

Gender : Male

Ahmad Jan Mano

Character Name :

Original Name : Ahmad Jan Mano

Gender : Male






A young woman (Afsaneh Dehrouyeh) walks into a clothing store looking to buy her first full length chadari. The shop is owned by auteur Elham Ahsas and over the next few minutes he helps her to choose the colour she might be allowed to wear, and then we watch her try on the garb that seems to almost empower her - she twirls and twirls and twirls... The movement almost perfectly illustrative of some of the joy and spirit that she is soon to leave behind. Her shoes of colour and sparkle to be forever hidden beneath it's weaves which, in themselves, demonstrate further the uncertainly she is to face under an increasingly male-dominated Taliban rule that will treat her as little better than a chattel from now on! It's simple with hardly any dialogue to clutter up the rather potent imagery that we are left to evaluate for ourselves. Yellow as a colour symbolises so many things around the world - it's well titled, too.