
Stranger in the Woods

- Just when you think you're out of the woods.

Olivia and her friends go on a vacation. After Olivia nearly drowns with a slit wrist in her bathtub after her fiancé's funeral, her friends suspect that she tried to kill herself, but she believes someone attacked her.

Release Date : 2024-02-14

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Newacheck Brothers ProductionsBlue Fox EntertainmentWonk

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Look at Me


Holly Kenney

Character Name : Olivia

Original Name : Holly Kenney

Gender : Female

Brendin Brown

Character Name : Sam

Original Name : Brendin Brown

Gender : Male

Paris Nicole

Character Name : Theresa

Original Name : Paris Nicole

Gender : Female

Radek Antczak

Character Name : Brandon

Original Name : Radek Antczak

Gender : Male

Teddy Spencer

Character Name : Clayton

Original Name : Teddy Spencer

Gender : Male

Devon Deshaun Stewart

Character Name : Liam

Original Name : Devon Deshaun Stewart

Gender : Male






Not recommended, or may be fine as a rental depending on your mood. There were two issues present: 1. The pursuit by three separate men of the main character as a love interest was hard to believe - a fiancé, a newly divorced single, and an obsessed creep, all just had to get to her, for some reason? 2. Character break of the villain somewhere in the middle was also not convincing, as there was zero backstory or indication of pre-existing character flaw. 3. The emergency courtesy text sent by "close friends" Positives: 1. The movie did not leave the audience hanging at the end as is the trend for current thriller releases.