Proverbial Luck
- Two neigbors inhabit an idiomatic world and discover affection.
Historical idioms garnish our language but are often hard to translate. This comedy helps to illustrate them and tells the story of two Austrian neighbours, who become enamoured. “Foam-beater" (boaster) Hanspeter throws an eye after an addleheaded Annemarie, but she just "shows him the bird" (indicates that he is chuckoo). He must "jump over his shadow" (take the plunge) and get a foot in her door. Amusement for proverb fans who love to make whoopee, gaze into the pale blue yonder, or get to the point.
Release Date : 2016-03-05
Language :German
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Apeiron Films
Production Country : AustriaGermany
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Annemarie
Original Name : Magdalena Plöchl
Gender : Male
Character Name : Hanspeter
Original Name : Benedikt Vyplel
Gender : Male
Character Name : Narrator (German voice)
Original Name : Benedikt Vyplel
Gender : Male
Character Name : Gorilla
Original Name : Peter Lutz
Gender : Male
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