
Demon Within


The story is about a Journalist who becomes infected with a Japanese demon. The demon incubates in the mans stomach before Violently tearing its way up and out through the Journalists mouth (Complete with mouth splitting wide open). As soon as the Demon is "born" it is snatched away by a mysterious stranger. The Journalist (Yes, somehow he survived) soon discovers that the man who grabbed up the demon is in fact a former infectee who has developed a taste for the little demons, In fact they taste so good that when a person eats their flesh they then instantly become addicted to it.

Release Date : 1985-12-27

Language :JapaneseEnglish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Tsuburaya Productions

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : The Tasty Flesh


Kazuyo Matsui

Character Name : Mrs. Morioka

Original Name : 松居一代

Gender : Female

Kyōzō Nagatsuka

Character Name : Mr. Morioka

Original Name : 長塚京三

Gender : Male

Ichirō Ogura

Character Name : Kitayan

Original Name : 小倉一郎

Gender : Male

Yousuke Saito

Character Name : Mystery Man

Original Name : 斉藤洋介

Gender : Male


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