
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

- Everyone is dying to be with her. Someone is killing for it.

Beautiful Mandy Lane isn't a party girl but, when classmate Chloe invites the Texas high school student to a bash in the countryside, she reluctantly accepts. After hitching a ride with a vaguely scary older man, the teens arrive at their destination. Partying ensues, and Mandy's close pal, Emmet, keeps a watchful eye on the young males making a play for Mandy. Then two of the students are murdered.

Release Date : 2006-09-09

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Occupant Films

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Amber Heard

Character Name : Mandy Lane

Original Name : Amber Heard

Gender : Female

Michael Welch

Character Name : Emmet

Original Name : Michael Welch

Gender : Male

Whitney Able

Character Name : Chloe

Original Name : Whitney Able

Gender : Female

Anson Mount

Character Name : Garth

Original Name : Anson Mount

Gender : Male

Edwin Hodge

Character Name : Bird

Original Name : Edwin Hodge

Gender : Male

Aaron Himelstein

Character Name : Red

Original Name : Aaron Himelstein

Gender : Male

Luke Grimes

Character Name : Jake

Original Name : Luke Grimes

Gender : Male

Melissa Price

Character Name : Marlin

Original Name : Melissa Price

Gender : Female

Adam Powell

Character Name : Dylan

Original Name : Adam Powell

Gender : Male

Peyton Hayslip

Character Name : Aunt Jo

Original Name : Peyton Hayslip

Gender : Female

Brooke Bloom

Character Name : Cousin Jen

Original Name : Brooke Bloom

Gender : Female

Robert Earl Keen

Character Name : Keg Trucker

Original Name : Robert Earl Keen

Gender : Male

Amber Bartlett

Character Name : Girl at pool party (uncredited)

Original Name : Amber Bartlett

Gender : Female






***Several teens go to a cabin-in-the-woods to party (no, really)…*** … actually it’s a ranch house, but close enough. Anyway, they start getting picked off by a mad slasher with the most promiscuous ones dying first. Sound familiar? “All the Boys Love Mandy Lane” debuted at film festivals in 2006 but curiously wasn’t released to theaters until 2013. I’m surprised this was even released to theaters because it’s a low-budget indie slasher, nothing more. It cost $750,000, which is more than enough to make a competent film. The well-done “Another Kind” (2013), for instance, only cost $120,000. But “Mandy Lane” is just too all-around hackneyed and meh, which isn’t helped by the fact that half the characters are repellent (e.g. Jake, Marlin & Chloe). Thankfully, the filmmaking is competent with some nice cinematography of central Texas and Amber Heard in an early role is a highlight. Plus there’s a surprise at the end, but it makes you question the person’s motives. If you reflect on the material, though, it all makes sense and shows that some thought was put into the script. Of course this doesn’t help the dull shallowness of most of the characters (who are SUPPOSED to be shallow, I get it). The film runs 1 hour, 30 minutes and was shot in the heart of Texas (Austin & Bastrop) with other stuff done in Santa Clarita, CA. GRADE: C