
The Shady Sailor


Laetitia and Sophie go to Quimper, town where Laetitia used to live, to pass the weekend. Sophie is having problems with her husband, while Laetitia tells her about one of her youth's boyfriends, the "masked sailor" she used to love while she lived in Quimper.

Release Date : 2011-06-11

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Ecce Films

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Sophie Letourneur

Character Name : Sophie

Original Name : Sophie Letourneur

Gender : Female

Laetitia Goffi

Character Name : Laëtitia

Original Name : Laetitia Goffi

Gender : Female

Johan Libéreau

Character Name : Le marin masqué

Original Name : Johan Libéreau

Gender : Male


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